Organic Period Pads Are Simpler, Natural and More Environmentally Friendly

Organic Period Pads Are Simpler, Natural and More Environmentally Friendly

Organic pads are simpler, natural and more environmentally friendly than traditional menstrual products. They are also safer and more comfortable for women to wear.

Traditional pads and tampons are made with synthetic materials and chemicals. These chemicals can be absorbed through the vagina and cause long-term health issues.

Another concern with regular menstrual products is the risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). TSS is caused by the buildup of bacteria and can be deadly.


If you’re concerned about the environmental impact of your feminine hygiene products, organic pads may be the way to go. They use fewer chemicals in the manufacturing process and are typically made of organic cotton, bamboo, banana tree shoots, or organic rayon from eucalyptus trees. They also break down much faster than conventional pads, which can reduce the amount of waste they generate.

In addition to being eco-friendly, organic pads are better for your body because they don’t contain harmful chemicals near your sensitive areas. Many of the chemicals in plastic-based pads, such organic period pads as phthalates, VOCs, dioxins and furans, are dangerous for your health and can even cause cancer. Some brands, like Natracare and Lil Lets, even have organic tampons that are plastic free.

When choosing an organic pad, make sure it is certified by a respected organization and that it meets your specific needs. Look for one with a good absorbency level for heavy flows, and choose the size that works best for you.

Another option is to use a cloth menstrual cup, which is similar to a menstrual pad and can be used in place of your regular sanitary product. However, it is important to remember that you should clean your cloth menstrual cup regularly to avoid bacteria build-up and infection. You can find reusable cloth menstrual cups from online stores or local shops.


Many people are concerned about the environmental impact of disposable menstrual products. These plastic-based pads are sent to landfills and clog sewage systems, causing harm to the environment. Moreover, they take decades to degrade into microplastics. These microplastics enter marine environments and infiltrate water streams. Organic pads, on the other hand, are made of plant-based materials that degrade in a short amount of time. They also reduce the risk of toxic shock syndrome.

Organic pads are made with a soft, absorbent cotton cover and a cellulose core. They can be worn during the day and overnight, and they are comfortable on the skin. They are more absorbent than regular pads and may be less likely to cause itchiness and rashes. Some organic pads are also available with wings that prevent leaks.

Another benefit of organic pads is that they are free of harmful chemicals, including chlorine bleaching and chemical additives. The Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) certification is a good way to identify organic menstrual products. It requires manufacturers to use non-GMO seeds and avoid the use of pesticides and herbicides in the production process.

Organic menstrual products are available online and in stores. They are more expensive than conventional pads, but they are better for your health and the environment. You can even purchase a subscription to support period product manufacturers and give back to women in need.


Unlike conventional pads, organic pads are made of cotton and natural materials that can be biodegraded. They also don’t contain rayon and other synthetic fibers that are harmful to the body and the environment. These products have been shown to work just as well as regular menstrual hygiene products. The brands that offer them have a goal of making eco-friendly menstrual products more accessible to people who need them.

The Seventh Generation pads are made from organic cotton that has been processed using hydrogen peroxide (the safest option) and they use a plastic-free applicator. These pads are a good choice for lighter period days. They don’t have the same level of absorbency as other pads, but they still offer plenty of coverage. Plus, they’re a B corporation and give back a percent of every sale to organizations that fight for women’s rights.

These eco friendly pads are free of fragrances, chlorine bleach, and dyes. They’re also a woman-created and -owned company. Their pads are super thin, so they’re not the best for heavy flow days. But they’re comfortable and have wings that help prevent chafing and bunching.

These organic pads are made from organic cotton that’s certified by the Global organic period pads manufacturer Organic Textile Standard. They’re also free from fragrances, chlorine bleach, dyes, and plastic ingredients like acetone and styrene. They’re available in a range of sizes, so you can choose the one that’s right for you.


Unlike regular pads and tampons, which are often made of cotton treated with pesticides and synthetic materials and contain dyes and perfumes, organic period products use only natural, plant-based ingredients. They also feature absorbent cellulose cores that are more comfortable to wear and do not irritate the skin. Many women find that switching to organic feminine hygiene products makes them less likely to experience itching, rashes, or irritation during their periods.

The biggest advantage of eco-friendly menstrual products is that they reduce the amount of waste created by disposables. Non-organic pads can take up to 800 years to fully decompose, while organic ones break down in just two years. In addition, they don’t require the use of harmful pesticides that kill off native bees, insects, and birds that play a vital role in our ecosystem. Furthermore, they use significantly less water and energy for manufacturing and are completely biodegradable and compostable.

Another benefit of using organic pads is that they don’t increase the risk of toxic shock syndrome, which can occur if too much bacteria builds up inside your vagina during your period. To reduce your risk of TSS, change your pad or tampon every 3-5 hours and don’t wear one overnight. Look for pads and tampons with a GOTS certification to ensure they’re organic. Natracare offers a great selection of GOTS-certified organic pads and tampons.